Christy Henrich was a world class gymnast, but to me she was my brothers fiancee. I was young, still adjusting to being an outcast in school when they met. She made the world always seem better with her amazing smile and wonderful laugh. And her undeniable talent made her a superstar in my eyes. Well, she herself made her a superstar in my eyes. My brother loved her, she loved my brother, and we loved her. In 1989, a judge (who, if they are any kind of an actual "human being" will be haunted from this forever) told Christy that she needed to loose weight if she was ever going to make it to the Olympics. See, Christy missed going to the Olympics the year before by just two spots, and desperately wanted to make it so she took this advice to heart unfortunately. Christy was nothing but pure muscle, and any weight loss would be detrimental. Unfortunately it was.
Over the next few years, Christy's weight begun to fluctuate, minor at first, then widely. She was enveloped by the two eating disorders that had taken over her life, Anorexia and Bulimia. Christy died eight days after her 22nd birthday. Her memory, and her legacy, is remembered to all people around the world, not just by her family and mine, but to her millions and millions of fans globally. Her original balance beam leap was named after her, and my brother plans on one day writing their love story in book form, and telling more about this amazing person who I was privileged to have in my life. I think about Christy all the time, and how I would have loved to have grown up into the person I am today with her around, physically that is. How I would have loved for her to see me become the actor I am today (Her final hospital stay was during my very first play ever in 1994, so the memory of my acting career beginning is a tad bittersweet). She died 15 years ago yesterday. Two things I hold dear: A photo of the two of us dancing at my sisters wedding, and a birthday note she wrote me telling me I was "the little brother she never had but always wanted." We love you Christy, and will hold you dear forever, in our hearts, in our minds, in our lives...